Error 400

400 TEST_FAILED: {start_pool_failed,<<“probe:aae9bc2ba0b7d914”>>,econnrefused}

I use emqx enterprise (5.5.0) and mysql (8.0) in the same docker on Window 11.
I tried connect emqx to mysql but alert error above.

  1. all firewall in window 11 turn off
    2.I used Navicat connected to Mysql Database (worked perfect)

Can you help what the issue?

Thank you

I use emqx enterprise (5.5.0) and mysql (8.0) in the same docker on Window 11.

Does it means you have two containers: emqx and mysql and mysql exposed port 3306?

If so, the localhost:3306 in Navicat means the port 3306 exposed from mysql.

And localhost:3306 on EMQX Dashboard means the contanire emqx’s 3306.
But obviously EMQX won’t provide mysql service on port 3306.

You should use the ip port from container mysql.

To get ips of emqx and mysql, run command:

docker container inspect <CONTAINTER_NAME>| grep -A 20 Networks

And ensure that the two containers are on the same network segment and can communicate with each other.

1 个赞

Appreciate your solution.

Thank you