
{emqx_conf_schema,[#{kind => validation_error,
mismatches =>
#{“handler_name” =>
#{kind => validation_error,
path => “log.file.default”,
reason => unknown_fields,unknown => “path”,
unmatched => “burst_limit,chars_limit,…”},
“log_file_handler” =>
#{kind => validation_error,path => “log.file”,
reason => unknown_fields,
unknown => “default”,
unmatched => “burst_limit,chars_limit,…”}},
path => “log.file”,reason => matched_no_union_member}]}

看起来你的 emqx.conf 配置的不对,或则和 EMQX 版本不匹配,建议直接使用默认的配置启动 EMQX, 然后用 Dashboard 进行配置。
如果确实需要预先配置 emqx.conf, 麻烦把你的 emqx.conf 的具体内容以及你的 EMQX 版本信息等发上来


This config file overrides data/configs/cluster.hocon,

and is merged with environment variables which start with ‘EMQX_’ prefix.

Config changes made from EMQX dashboard UI, management HTTP API, or CLI

are stored in data/configs/cluster.hocon.

To avoid confusion, please do not store the same configs in both files.

See Configuration Files | EMQX Enterprise 5.0 Documentation

Configuration full example can be found in emqx.conf.example

node {
name = “emqx@
cookie = “emqxsecretcookie”
data_dir = “/var/lib/emqx”

cluster {
name = emqxcl
discovery_strategy = manual

dashboard {
listeners.http {
bind = 18083

authorization {
deny_action = ignore
no_match = allow
cache = { enable = true }


你的系统上是之前有旧版本的 EMQX 么,或则是否是在新版本 EMQX 上使用了旧版本的 data 目录