我目前遇到了困难我用flutter mqtt_client测试出现以下错误

我使用 mqqtx工具测试是没有问题的,但是我用自己的代码的时候就出现了问题


String cerData = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/images/ca.pem");
    List<int> certAsBytes = utf8.encode(cerData);

    final context = SecurityContext.defaultContext;


 /// Set secure working
    client.secure = false;

    // Set the port
    client.port = 8883; // Secure port number for mosquitto, no client certificate required

    /// Security context
    //final currDir = '${path.current}${path.separator}files${path.separator}ca.pem';
    //final context = SecurityContext.defaultContext;
    // Note if you get a 'TlsException: Failure trusting builtin roots (OS Error:
    // 	CERT_ALREADY_IN_HASH_TABLE' error here comment out the following 2 lines

    // 心跳时间  保持一分钟连接
    client.keepAlivePeriod = 60;
    // 设置协议版本,默认是3.1,根据服务器需要的版本来设置
    // 是否打印mqtt日志信息
    client.logging(on: true);
    // 连接断开回调
    client.onDisconnected = onDisconnected;
    // 订阅成功回调
    client.onSubscribed = onSubscribed;
    // 取消订阅回调
    client.onUnsubscribed = _onUnSubscribed;
    // 默认clientID
    //client.clientIdentifier = clientId;

    //client.onBadCertificate = (Object a) => true;

    final connMess = MqttConnectMessage()
        .withWillTopic('sensor/deviceState') // If you set this you must set a will message
        .withWillMessage('My Will message')
        .authenticateAs("admin", "admin")
        .startClean() // Non persistent session for testing
    print('EXAMPLE::Mosquitto client connecting....');
    client.connectionMessage = connMess;

    //final connMess = MqttConnectMessage();
    //设置will消息的qos模式 0 1 2 选择0

    try {
      await client.connect();
      //connectMessage = "你好";
    } on Exception catch (e) {
      print('---------连接失败: - ${e.toString()}');
      //connectMessage = e.toString();


[error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.374.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {ssl_error,{tls_alert,{unexpected_message,"TLS server: In state hello at tls_record.erl:564 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Unexpected Message\n {unsupported_record_type,16}"}}}, offender: [{pid,<0.1064.0>},{name,connection},{mfargs,{emqx_connection,start_link,[[{deflate_options,[]},{max_conn_rate,500},{active_n,100},{zone,external},{proxy_address_header,<<>>},{proxy_port_header,<<>>},{supported_subprotocols,[]}]]}}]

这里是 TLS 握手失败了。
客户端使用了 SSL 连接的 8883 端口,但是没有携带证书。
TCP 连接需要使用 1883 端口。
