直到oom kill
你的 Core 节点也接收链接了吗?能简单描述下测试的场景吗?
目前测试场景是,3 core 4c16G,20 replicant 8c16G,计划验证500w连接,core节点不接收连接。
## NOTE:
## Configs in this file might be overridden by:
## 1. Environment variables which start with 'EMQX_' prefix
## 2. File $EMQX_NODE__DATA_DIR/configs/cluster-override.conf
## 3. File $EMQX_NODE__DATA_DIR/configs/local-override.conf
## The *-override.conf files are overwritten at runtime when changes
## are made from EMQX dashboard UI, management HTTP API, or CLI.
## All configuration details can be found in emqx.conf.example
node = {
name = "emqx@"
cookie = "emqxsecretcookie"
data_dir = "data"
db_role = core
process_limit = 2048000
max_ports = 1024000
dist_buffer_size = 8192
max_ets_tables = 256000
crash_dump_file = "log/crash.dump"
dist_net_ticktime = 60
cluster_call = {
retry_interval = 1m
max_history = 100
cleanup_interval = 5m
rpc = {
mode = async
async_batch_size = 256
tcp_server_port = 5369
tcp_client_num = 96
port_discovery = manual
connect_timeout = 3s
send_timeout = 3s
authentication_timeout = 3s
call_receive_timeout = 7s
socket_keepalive_idle = 15m
socket_keepalive_interval = 75s
socket_keepalive_count = 9
socket_sndbuf = 1MB
socket_recbuf = 1MB
socket_buffer = 1MB
mqtt = {
max_clientid_len = 1024
max_topic_levels = 7
max_qos_allowed = 2
max_topic_alias = 0
retain_available = true
wildcard_subscription = false
shared_subscription = false
ignore_loop_deliver = false
cluster = {
name = "emqx_v5_cluster"
autoheal = true
autoclean = 5m
proto_dist = inet_tcp
discovery_strategy = "etcd"
etcd = {
server = "https://etcd.xxxx.com:2379"
prefix = "emqx-cluster"
node_ttl = 1m
ssl = {
keyfile = "/data/etcdssl/etcd-key.pem"
cacertfile = "/data/etcdssl/ca.pem"
certfile = "/data/etcdssl/etcd.pem"
enable = true
log = {
file_handlers.default = {
enable = true
level = debug
file = "log/emqx.log"
chars_limit = 8192
formatter = json
max_size = 32MB
rotation.count = 5
listeners.tcp.external = {
bind = ""
max_connections = 1024000
proxy_protocol = true
proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s
enable_authn = true
acceptors = 64
limiter.connection = {
rate = "237/s"
burst = "20"
access_rules = ["allow all"]
tcp_options = {
active_n = 100
backlog = 1024
send_timeout = 7s
send_timeout_close = true
nodelay = true
reuseaddr = true
zone = external
zone.external.mqtt = {
idle_timeout = 15s
max_packet_size = 128KB
exclusive_subscription = false
use_username_as_clientid = false
wildcard_subscription = false
shared_subscription = false
max_subscriptions = 20
upgrade_qos = false
keepalive_backoff = 0.75
max_inflight = 32
retry_interval = 10s
max_awaiting_rel = 100
await_rel_timeout = 50s
session_expiry_interval = 2h
max_mqueue_len = 100
mqueue_priorities = disabled
mqueue_default_priority = highest
mqueue_store_qos0 = true
ignore_loop_deliver = false
listeners.tcp.internal = {
bind = ""
acceptors = 64
max_connections = 102400
proxy_protocol = false
enable_authn = true
limiter.connection = {
rate = "237/s"
burst = "20"
tcp_options = {
active_n = 300
backlog = 1024
send_timeout = 3s
send_timeout_close = true
nodelay = true
reuseaddr = true
zone = internal
zone.internal.mqtt = {
wildcard_subscription = true
shared_subscription = true
max_subscriptions = infinity
max_inflight = 128
max_awaiting_rel = 200
max_mqueue_len = 2000
mqueue_store_qos0 = true
use_username_as_clientid = false
ignore_loop_deliver = false
listeners.ssl.default = {
bind = ""
max_connections = 512000
ssl_options {
keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
listeners.ws.default = {
bind = ""
max_connections = 1024
acceptors = 8
proxy_protocol = false
websocket = {
mqtt_path = "/mqtt"
proxy_address_header = x-forwarded-for
proxy_port_header = x-forwarded-port
limiter.connection = {
rate = "100/s"
burst = "20"
access_rules = ["allow all"]
listeners.wss.default = {
bind = ""
max_connections = 512000
websocket.mqtt_path = "/mqtt"
ssl_options = {
keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
# listeners.quic.default {
# enabled = true
# bind = ""
# max_connections = 1024000
# ssl_options {
# verify = verify_none
# keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
# certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
# cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
# }
# }
dashboard = {
listeners.http = {
bind = 38080
authorization = {
deny_action = ignore
no_match = deny
sources = [
type = file
enable = true
path = "etc/acl.conf"
cache = {
enable = true
max_size = 64
ttl = 15m
authentication = [
backend = http
method = post
mechanism = password_based
enable = true
url = "http://xxxxxx/auth"
body = {
clientid = "${clientid}"
from = "emqx5"
ipaddr = "${peerhost}"
password = "${password}"
username = "${username}"
headers = {
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
"X-Request-Source" = "EMQX"
"accept" = "application/json"
"cache-control" = "no-cache"
"connection" = "keep-alive"
"keep-alive" = "timeout=30, max=1000"
sysmon = {
os = {
cpu_check_interval = 60s
cpu_high_watermark = 95%
cpu_low_watermark = 90%
mem_check_interval = 60s
sysmem_high_watermark = 80%
procmem_high_watermark = 5%
vm = {
long_gc = disabled
long_schedule = 240ms
large_heap = 8MB
busy_port = false
busy_dist_port = true
process_high_watermark = 80%
process_low_watermark = 70%
force_gc = {
enable = true
bytes = 1MB
count = 1000
force_shutdown = {
enable = true
max_message_queue_len = 1000
max_heap_size = 100MB
看着是由于开启了 DEBUG 日志的原因
的确有可能,后面对日志 做了 overload kill 优化,未再出现这个问题,谢谢。