- EMQX 版本:5.0
- 操作系统及版本:Ubuntu 20
- 其他
配置 EMQX Apt 源完之后,使用命令sudo apt-get install emqx安装emqx提示E: Unable to locate package emqx
root@iZ8vb1242oy2ytmd3572igZ:~# curl -s https://assets.emqx.com/scripts/install-emqx-deb.sh | sudo bash
Detected operating system as Ubuntu/jammy.
Checking for curl…
Detected curl…
Checking for gpg…
Detected gpg…
Running apt-get update… done.
Installing apt-transport-https… done.
Installing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emqx_emqx.list…done.
Importing gpg key… done.
Running apt-get update… done.
The repository is setup! You can now install packages.
root@iZ8vb1242oy2ytmd3572igZ:~# sudo apt-get install emqx
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package emqx