5.0 共享订阅:负载均衡策略配置


  • EMQX 版本:5.0.3


emqx5.0.3版本的共享订阅 负载均衡策略在哪里修改呢

参考 emqx-example.conf 里面

broker {
  ## @doc Dispatch strategy for shared subscription.
  ##   - `random`: dispatch the message to a random selected subscriber
  ##   - `round_robin`: select the subscribers in a round-robin manner
  ##   - `sticky`: always use the last selected subscriber to dispatch, until the subscriber disconnects.
  ##   - `hash`: select the subscribers by the hash of `clientIds`
  ## @path broker.shared_subscription_strategy
  ## @type enum: random | round_robin | sticky | local | hash_topic | hash_clientid
  ## @default round_robin
  shared_subscription_strategy  =  round_robin

  ## @doc Enable/disable shared dispatch acknowledgement for QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages.
  ## This should allow messages to be dispatched to a different subscriber in the group in case the picked (based on `shared_subscription_strategy`) subscriber is offline.
  ## @path broker.shared_dispatch_ack_enabled
  ## @type boolean()
  ## @default false
  shared_dispatch_ack_enabled  =  false


