- EMQX 版本:emqx-4.4.2-otp24.1.5-3-el7-amd64.rpm
- 操作系统及版本: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
- 其他
启动报错 这个 openssl-1.1.1安装了 libncurses 这个咋安装?我网上搜了不知道怎么安装
[root@localhost ~]# emqx start
{“init terminating in do_boot”,{undef,[{crypto,start,[],[]},{init,start_em,1,[]},{init,do_boot,3,[]}]}}
init terminating in do_boot ({undef,[{crypto,start,[],[]},{init,start_em,1,[]},{init,do_boot,3,[]}]})
Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump…done
FATAL: Unable to start Erlang.
Please make sure openssl-1.1.1 (libcrypto) and libncurses are installed.
Also ensure it’s running on the correct platform,
this EMQX release is built for 24.1.5-3-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-64-el7