
之前 EMQ X 是可以正常使用的吗?
目前这些信息看起来是 Erlang 虚拟机无法启动,可否提供一下 /etc/emqx/etc/vm.args 中的虚拟机配置项排查一下。


## Erlang VM Args for EMQ X Broker

## NOTE:
## Arguments configured in this file might be overridden by configs from `emqx.conf`.
## Some basic VM arguments are to be configured in `emqx.conf`,
## such as `node.name` for `-name` and `node.cooke` for `-setcookie`.

## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing processes for this system.
+P 2097152

## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing ports for this system.
+Q 1048576

## Sets the maximum number of ETS tables
+e 262144

## Sets the maximum number of atoms the virtual machine can handle.
#+t 1048576

## Set the location of crash dumps
#-env ERL_CRASH_DUMP /var/log/emqx/crash.dump

## Set how many times generational garbages collections can be done without
## forcing a fullsweep collection.

## Heartbeat management; auto-restarts VM if it dies or becomes unresponsive
## (Disabled by default..use with caution!)

## Specify the erlang distributed protocol.
## Can be one of: inet_tcp, inet6_tcp, inet_tls
#-proto_dist inet_tcp

## Specify SSL Options in the file if using SSL for Erlang Distribution.
## Used only when -proto_dist set to inet_tls
#-ssl_dist_optfile /etc/emqx/ssl_dist.conf

## Specifies the net_kernel tick time in seconds.
## This is the approximate time a connected node may be unresponsive until
## it is considered down and thereby disconnected.
-kernel net_ticktime 120

## Sets the distribution buffer busy limit (dist_buf_busy_limit).
#+zdbbl 8192

## Sets default scheduler hint for port parallelism.
+spp true

## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool. Valid range is 0-1024.
## Increase the parameter if there are many simultaneous file I/O operations.
+A 4

## Sets the default heap size of processes to the size Size.
#+hms 233

## Sets the default binary virtual heap size of processes to the size Size.
#+hmbs 46422

## Sets the default maximum heap size of processes to the size Size.
## Defaults to 0, which means that no maximum heap size is used.
##For more information, see process_flag(max_heap_size, MaxHeapSize).
#+hmax 0

## Sets the default value for process flag message_queue_data. Defaults to on_heap.
#+hmqd on_heap | off_heap

## Sets the number of IO pollsets to use when polling for I/O.
#+IOp 1

## Sets the number of IO poll threads to use when polling for I/O.
## Increase this for the busy systems with many concurrent connection.
+IOt 4

## Sets the number of scheduler threads to create and scheduler threads to set online.
#+S 8:8

## Sets the number of dirty CPU scheduler threads to create and dirty CPU scheduler threads to set online.
#+SDcpu 8:8

## Sets the number of dirty I/O scheduler threads to create.
+SDio 8

## Suggested stack size, in kilowords, for scheduler threads.
#+sss 32

## Suggested stack size, in kilowords, for dirty CPU scheduler threads.
#+sssdcpu 40

## Suggested stack size, in kilowords, for dirty IO scheduler threads.
#+sssdio 40

## Sets scheduler bind type.
## Can be one of: u, ns, ts, ps, s, nnts, nnps, tnnps, db
#+sbt db

## Sets a user-defined CPU topology.
#+sct L0-3c0-3p0N0:L4-7c0-3p1N1

## Sets the mapping of warning messages for error_logger
#+W w

## Sets time warp mode: no_time_warp | single_time_warp | multi_time_warp
#+C no_time_warp

## Prevents loading information about source filenames and line numbers.

## Specifies how long time (in milliseconds) to spend shutting down the system.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
-shutdown_time 30000

## patches dir
-pa /var/lib/emqx/patches

以及系统版本,系统配置,EMQ X 版本,EMQ X 配置信息等来进行更详细的排查。