"triggered": false,
"id": "00112070-01",
"name": "00112070-01",
"sql": "SELECT window_start(),window_end(),rule_id(),deviceId,avg(json_path_query(data, \"$.Pb.value\")) as avg_Pb FROM mqtt_stream where deviceId = \"01\" and messageType = \"PROPERTY_REPORT\" and json_path_exists(data, \"$.Pb\") = true GROUP BY TUMBLINGWINDOW(ss, 300) HAVING avg_Pb >= 20",
"actions": [
"rest": {
"bodyType": "json",
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"method": "POST",
"omitIfEmpty": false,
"runAsync": false,
"sendSingle": true,
"timeout": 5000,
"url": "http://hummingbird-core:58081/api/v1/ekuiper/alert"
"triggered": false,
"id": "00112070-01",
"name": "00112070-01",
"sql": "SELECT window_start(),window_end(),rule_id(),deviceId,avg(json_path_query(data, \"$.Pb.value\")) as avg_Pb FROM mqtt_stream where deviceId = \"01\" and messageType = \"PROPERTY_REPORT\" and json_path_exists(data, \"$.Pb\") = true GROUP BY TUMBLINGWINDOW(ss, 300) HAVING avg_Pb >= 20",
"actions": [
"rest": {
"bodyType": "json",
"enableCache": false,
"format": "json",
"method": "POST",
"omitIfEmpty": false,
"runAsync": false,
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"timeout": 5000,
"url": "http://hummingbird-core:58081/api/v1/ekuiper/alert"